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The Apache Software Foundation announces Apache Flink v1.0

The Apache Software Foundation announces Apache Flink v1.0.

Advanced distributed stream processing framework performs 50x faster than other real-time computation systems

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source projects and initiatives, announced today the availability of Apache® Flink™ v1.0, the advanced Open Source distributed real-time stream processing system.

Memcached – Installation and Configuration Guide

Memcached is an open source distributed memory object caching program that allows us to improve and speeding up performance of dynamic web applications by caching data and objects in Memory. Memcached is also used to cache entire database tables and queries to improve performance of database. It is the only one caching system available freely and used by many big sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Drupal, Zynga etc.

Zip Command in Linux

Zip command is used to compress the files to reduce file size and also used as file package utility. zip is available in many operating systems like unix, linux, windows etc.

If you have a limited bandwidth between two servers and want to transfer the files faster, then zip the files and transfer.

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